Monday, March 13, 2006

Lessons learned over the weekend

1) Beer + tequilla + Polish vodka + Russian Vodka DO NOT MIX
2) I am 28 now, and not 21 anymore.
    Ash's Law : The ability of the human body to handle alcohol declines exponentially with age.
    Alcohol handling efficiency = 100*EXP(21-age) [assuming 100% efficiency @ age 21]
    PS: for the nerds among you, plot the formula and see how your alcohol handling efficiency is below the age of 21
3) Asprin is not always a cure for bad hangovers
4) Burger king burgers always taste nice when hung over
5) Wearing a traditional Indian outfit to your company's black tie social is not a bad idea ! (makes a statement about who you are, and the cameras on you)

6) Snowboarding indoors on slopes with ice after being hung over is a sure recipe for disaster
7) Going to ballroom dancing after that is hazardous for your health
8) Snuggling up with your dog is the cure for all these symptoms (cant speak about wifey remedies here, she forbids me to speak about her on my blogs)

Finally this post from Dave rocks, especially the stuff done by the Wharton Follies


PS: oh crap.....3 more days to Wharton decisions....


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think u meant (21-age) instead of (age-21) in ur formula :-)
good luck with the wharton results, i am waiting for mine as well


7:35 PM  
Blogger MBA Jackass said...

thanks ash - very informative. definitely illustrates how we will learn more from our fellow students than we will from our professors. :)

do you think it's possible that you accidentally whacked milosevic while out on the town?

good luck with the wharton decision...if they read this blog, they should have no doubt about the merits of your candidacy...which reminds me, i need to add your blog to my blogs i read list...

8:59 PM  
Blogger Marina said...

Even looking at the word VODKA in print makes me a bit nausious after this weekend...

9:32 PM  
Blogger i_will_make_it said...

Sounds like you had a very eventful weekend. :-D Good luck with W!

4:36 AM  
Blogger MBABlogger said...

Great Laws :) Good luck with Wharton results

9:23 AM  

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