Friday, January 27, 2006

and now I suddenly feel the urge not to pursue an MBA......

well..not really....especially given the fatalistic name of this blogsite (bschool or bust)...
the thing is that I had a chat with the director of my group yesterday and he was now...when the mgmt opportunities arise (and they will for me...pat pat)....then go to schools like IMD HBS Stanford for exec-ED courses to complement your knowledge of things...I can say that the ability to avoid poverty and go back to school for two years did seem tempting...but this offer did not give me the main things that Im looking for in a B school

1) Opportunity to expand my horizons
2) Learn from a diverse cohort of peers
3) Indulge myself in some flights of fancy and ideas about concepts, companies and projects
4) drink beer in the middle of the week still rather fatalistic about my blog site ! but will i get the coveted interview invite ?????? Im beginning to get a little nervous now (even though its still very early in the game.....)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oil and Gas Company Management Approach to MBA Aspirants

a. Call you in for "a chat."
b. Tell you the company values you, that you will progress as quickly without an MBA as with an MBA.
c. Play the emotional card of how much your team, your company, your country needs in the short term.
d. Offer to consider a broader diversity of jobs for your next job. In fact, share that department X has a job that will cover all of points (1)-(4).

An MBA Aspirant's Response to Oil and Gas Company Management

I went through a similar experience as you recently. Hold strong; stay the course. The jobs will be there when you return. You only live once; live doing what matters to your most.

11:50 AM  
Blogger Ash said...

hear hear !

12:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that points number 1-3 can all be done simultaneously with point number 4. Simply brilliant

- Fellow Wharton Candidate

12:31 AM  

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